Anagrams of Famous Bristolians and People with Bristol Connections.

This is an Archy Leach freeWho is Archibold Leach? zone.

Click on the *'s for hints
The first * hint show the position of 1,2 or 3 letters
the second the occupation ie Actor, Politician, ... etc.

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Anagram of 'Soon Tin Byron'
two words (4,8). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'Saucy Sworn'
two words (4,6). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'April Draw Moon'
two words (4,9). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'Crew Gag'
three words (1,1,5). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'Benny Not'
two words (4,4). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'Dead File One'
two words (6,5). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'Ebb Bin Ghost'
two words (4,7). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'Ativism Casket'
two words (7,6). Hint Hint

Anagram of 'Gaunt Hoarse'
two words (5,6). Hint Hint

See also ....

Anagrams of Local Places
Bristol City Football Club Top Scorers