Anagrams of Places in and near Bristol.

Click on the *'s for hints

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Anagram of 'Raven Gogo'
two words (4,5). Hint

Anagram of 'Me Bird Nest'
one word (10). Hint

Anagram of 'Clog Gene Reel'
two words (7,5). Hint

Anagram of 'Bad Keel Story'
two words (7,5). Hint

Anagram of 'Dire Pathos'
one word (10). Hint

Anagram of 'Mad Steep Elm'
two words (6,5). Hint

Anagram of 'Lost Rib'
one word (7). Hint

Anagram of 'Meet Ross'
one word (8). Hint

Anagram of 'Sir Ghoul Secrete'
one word (15). Hint

Anagram of 'Shaky Men'
one word (8). Hint

Anagram of 'Morbid Send Newt'
two words (10,4). Hint

Anagram of 'Hold Fire'
one word (8). Hint

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Anagrams of Famous Bristolians
Bristol City Football Club Top Scorers