Diabetes and Fat.

Eating to much of the wrong type of fat can cause problems like Heart Disease and Strokes for anyone diabetic or not.

Diabetic's with an increased risk of heart and circulatory problems are especially advised to keep take special care with some types of fat.

If you are overweight too, the sheer number of calories in fat makes reducing some types of fat a very healthy choice.

Are all Types of Fat the Same?

Its not as simple as cutting down on all fat. The fats that increase Cholesterol Levels should be reduced.

These are Saturated Fats and Hydrogenated Fats. Aim to reduce, with at most 10% of your calories coming from both types of fats together.

To reduce the risks of heart disease further you should make sure you include Omega 3 Fat in your diet. One or (better) two portions of oily fish a week will do this.

While fat in the diet has only a limited direct effect on blood sugar the general advice is to limit the quantities of all types of fat. With a rough target for diabetic's of 25 to 30% of all calories coming from fat.

A diet low in saturated and hydrogenated fat reduces the risks of Heart Disease, Strokes and High Blood Pressure. This applies to everyone not only Diabetic's.

In the typical British diet, 35/36% of all calories come from fat. So there is usually scope to selectively reduce the types of fat that increase these risks.

Calories in Fat.

Fat is also extremely high in calories.

If you are over weight and trying to lose weight it is worth considering a reduction in the amount of fat in the diet to help lose weight too.

Calories in 1 gram of Fat.Calories in 1 gram of Carbohydrate.

Type of FatMajor Sources of FatUsage
SaturatedMeat, Dairy, Eggs, Coconuts and Palm OilMinimise Use.
Hydrogenated & TransHighly Processed Vegetable Fats typically found in Margarine, Pastry, Cakes and BiscuitsAvoid or Minimise
Poly-unsaturated (Omega 3)Oily Fish like - Anchovies, Herring, Kipper, Mackerel, Pilchards, Salmon, Sardine, Trout and Tuna. Vegetables like - Canola Oil, Walnuts, Flax Seeds, Spinach.Beneficial to the heart and circulation. Some sources are high in calories
Poly-unsaturated (Omega 6)Most Vegetable Fats Can lower Cholesterol levels, use in moderation
Mono-unsaturated Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Nuts, AvocadosCan lower Cholesterol levelssome sources

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